Today is my birthday, and true to the Hobbit custom of giving gifts to others on your birthday, I thought it would be fun to do a giveaway.
So here is the idea. I will be giving away the first realistically glazed "Inspire" trading card, and I'm going to let the winner pick the color. So if you'd like to enter, you need to either send an email (the address is on the website) or you can post here in the comments section. What I need is your name and the color you'd pick if you were selected. Your color choice will need to be pretty general, like "dark dapple grey" or "bay tobiano", but beyond that I'm open to most anything. Late Christmas day I'll randomly draw the winner.
Best luck to all who enter, and may everyone have a holiday season filled with friends and family!
[Edit: My email has a rather quirky spamblocker, so don't worry if you get the message that your entry has been blocked. I've been checking the filter and moving anything over, so it won't get lost!]
A bay varnish roan gets my vote!
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!
I don't usually like the super light colors but I think he'd look beautiful in Perlino.
Happy Birthday and Happy Holidays!
I have been following your blog for almost a year now! I am just amazed at at all of the wonderful art that comes from members of the model horse "community". Very inspiring!
Happy birthday!
Merry Christmas!
A light golden bay would be nice! With a green background! LOL
MANY happy nickers!
Happy birthday, Lesli!
I tried emailing you but your spamblocker trapped my email, and then it wouldn't let me fill out a form :-(
Anyway, I love this design and would love to be included in your giveaway chance. How about a deep golden palomino?
I would love a golden palomino :)
Merry Christmas all!
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas!!
I'm choosing a bay silver.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and Merry Christmas!
Jennifer, great minds think alike, as I think bay silver would look amazing as well!
Happy Birthday, fellow Hobbit :-)
Happy Birthday!
Merry Christmas!
Bay Silver! lol
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas! I think it'd look terrific like this:
I also think a dark palomino would be gorgeous.
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!
I'd love to see him in a dapple bay, maybe with some sabino or overo markings...yummy!
Happy Birthday!
Well, of course I would choose roan, since the trading card is head-and-neck and don't we all go a bit "gah" over that dark head with the grizzled neck and darker mane? Such a luscious combination! Merry Christmas!
He is lovely - I could see a bay overo on this one!
Danielle Feldman
Doh! And Merry Christmas (and a happy hobbit birthday, too!)
Chstnut with chrome, my favorite.
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Lesli!
My vote is a firey orange flaxen chestnut tobiano....
Have a wonderful Holiday,
Happy belated birthday Lesli!
Chestnut sabino gets my vote!
Light dapple gray! He'd look like my big boy, Switch. :-)
Happy (belated :P)birthday m'dear! And merry Christmas! He'd be just smashing in a super dark mealy bay, no? Lol.
happy belated smirfday!
I would love to see it in a dark liver chesnut with the fiery orange mane. A little chrome wouldnt hurt either :) Nice and contrasty :)
OH NO! I missed your birthday! Happy belated! Hope you are carrying over the fun another day or two.
Laura Thomson
Oh, and if I can still enter - sooty buckskin. If not, I still wanted to wish you a happy birthday (and Marry Christmas of course)
Oh, you can still enter. I'm not going to draw until later this evening. Thank you everyone who has posted or emailed so far! And Merry Christmas!
Happy birthday Lesli!
I think he would look awesome in a dark mahogany bay,
Happy Birthday Leslie!
I'm all about a beautiful dark bay overo! (big ol' bald face ;)
Teresa (flicksmom)
Happy Birthday... oh...how about a amber champagne with hazel eye.... or thereabouts... chrome is optional.
Marge Para
Id like to see a silver buckskin or bay
Rebecca Turner
oh duh. and Happy birthday too! it was also my brothers birthday! and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, and Happy Birthday! What a fun idea!
I think it would look handsome as a reddish chestnut with a slightly darker mane. I've enjoyed watching this piece take shape and turn from work-in-progress to magic!
Best wishes,
Nancy Kelly
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